
Showing posts from April, 2017

Development with eZ Publish and PhpStorm

I have always been a bit lazy. My teachers would scold me for always choosing the shortest route. I remember my teacher in woodworking-class complaining that I was more interested in tooling than the class itself. This was after I had turned the lathe into a sander to complete my work faster. While he wasn’t entirely wrong, I also believe I was onto something: Channeling my laziness into becoming more efficient. Sometimes this would easily turn into procrastination. Spending 5 hours to automate a 15 minute one-time job comes to mind, but there was also rewards to be had. The eZ-plugin I created for PhpStorm has saved me a some hours of work, but then again I have probably spent over a 100 hours creating it. Luckily my motivation for creating it exceeds personal efficiency. Brushing up on my Java skills and learning a new framework has been a lot of fun. Most of all I’m hoping it will make developing with eZ more enjoyable and efficient for other developers. A little side